MSP Monica Lennon asks the Scottish Government what it’s plans are to ensure babies will be fed

MSP Monica Lennon has long been an advocate for women and children, and she continued her efforts to address health inequalities by submitting key questions on infant food insecurity to the Scottish Parliament.

Feed are so appreciative of the support Monica has shown women and babies in bringing our work to the attention of our Parliament, and her ongoing support for Feed and our work. Our Co-Founder, Erin, was very priveliged to meet Monica in person at the Future of Reproductive Health workshop in Edinburgh on March 1st 2023, and offer our thanks in person.


Question reference: S6W-13273

  • Asked by: Monica Lennon, MSP for Central Scotland, Scottish Labour

  • Date lodged: Friday, 16 December 2022

  • Current Status: Answered by Maree Todd on 12 January 2023

To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the reported warning by the charity, Feed, that babies are at risk of malnutrition and being underfed as families in poverty are struggling to afford formula milk, or access it at foodbanks due to policies that restrict redistribution.

The Minister for Public Health, Women's Health and Sport responded:

We are deeply concerned about these reports. The only nutrition suitable for babies under 6 months is breastmilk or first stage formula milk.

Parents should be advised to speak to a health professional for further advice and support for breastfeeding or safe formula feeding, and can be directed to their local authority for crisis funding in an emergency. Food banks are not a safe, secure or sustainable route to accessing infant formula milk.

We continue to work with partners to ensure that our financial supports, such as Best Start Foods, Best Start Grants and the Scottish Child Payment, are maximising the support available for families to live dignified lives and meet their basic needs. It is crucial that families follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to make up baby’s formula feeds safely. We have adapted existing information for safe formula feeding on our Formula feeding | Parent Club website and are promoting this through our social media channels.

Question reference: S6W-13258

  • Asked by: Monica Lennon, MSP for Central Scotland, Scottish Labour

  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 20 December 2022

  • Current Status: Answered by Maree Todd on 16 January 2023

To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to ensure that families can afford to feed their babies throughout the cost of living crisis, in light of the 2022 report by the charity, Feed, which refers to some parents watering down infant formula.

The Minister for Public Health, Women's Health and Sport responded:

I refer the member to the answer to question S6W-13273 on‎ 12 January 2023. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament's website, the search facility for which can be found at

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes

Feed present our research to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequalities


Feed join Healthy Start Working Group