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Infant Feeding Day 2024: Flexible Feeding
Flexible feeding is about finding what works for you. Allowing Mums to just go with the flow. It’s what we all do; we trial, we change, we adapt, we flex.

Infant Feeding Day 2023: Compassionate Feedership
Based on the concept of Compassionate Leadership, Infant Feeding Day 2023 is all about compassion for yourself and other Mums as we feed our babies.

Infant Feeding Day 2022: Feed It Forward
If we all put into the pot of good deeds, it will be full when we need to take out. Feed It Forward!

Infant Feeding Day 2020: Feeding Forecasts
Your hopes and dreams for the feeding future. The sky’s the limit if we work together.

Infant Feeding Day 2019: Piece Talks
Whatever’s in your piece we’ve all got a lot to celebrate when it comes to supporting each other through the minefield that is the early years of feeding our weans.